Home All Listings Land or sea you can rely on JC ! www.jcmarineservices.com
8 years ago

Land or sea you can rely on JC ! www.jcmarineservices.com

All aspects from minor repairs to heavy maritime salvage.

Expert eastern seaboard runs by land or sea.
Don’t take a chance with your vessel, let my lifetime of experience ensure your time on the water is enjoyable and trouble free.
Being a lifetime boater since the 70’s, owning a variety of boats since the 80’s , two world championships and a gold cup in the 90’s in offshore racing, I’ve restored, repaired and towed every type of boat in every situation imaginable .
that’s me in the picture’s , and there’s 5 photo albums full of my maritime history spread out over 4 decades, in short ?
you can put your trust in me for a wide variety of marine needs.

**JC Marine services**

you call, we haul

Local and long distance.

CLEAN !! No hand prints, no foot prints.

We don’t experiment with your boat, I’ve done it.

Thank you !



[1]: http://www.jcmarineservices.com/

Listing ID: 15691