Home All Listings Marine/fiberglass/paint/varnish/rigging, oahu, Hawaii
7 years ago

Marine/fiberglass/paint/varnish/rigging, oahu, Hawaii


call Garrett@** 1-808-321-6787

**I have 8 years experience working with various systems on sailboats.** Plumbing, rigging, fiberglass structural and cosmetic, painting, stripping and varnishing, windless ruibuild/replace/install, and much more. I am also good for general consulting for a new or potential boat owner.

Deciding what kind of boat is right, and also guiding you to the right things to fix or replace on your boat.

My rate is 35 per/hour- **call Garrett@** 1-808-321-6787 Aloha!

Listing ID: 15666

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