7 years ago

Welcome To A.G.A. Correa and Son designing nautical, gold, platinum and silver jewelry

**Welcome To: A.G.A. Correa & Son**

please call 800-341-0788

 A.G.A. Correa & Son

**A.G.A. Correa & Son**

**A.G.A. Correa & Son** has been designing nautical, gold, platinum and silver jewelry in **Edgecomb, Maine** USA since 1969.

We have been headquartered in **Maine for over forty-five years, and since 1981** we have been located in Edgecomb, Maine

We are family-run, building customer relationships that extend through generations.

Our **mission is to deliver exceptional product design, quality and service** to the customer ahead of time.

Please contact us if we can be of any assistance, we want to hear what’s on your mind. You can also connect with us

We hope to see you, and **please call 800-341-0788**, Monday-Friday, 9-5, Eastern Time, if you have any questions or email

facebook.com/agacorrea or twitter @AGA_Correa_SON.

On The Web  visa  our website

All shipping/insurance has been free since our business was founded in 1969, and will always remain that way.

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